Towards Economic Literacy in Euope
Economy and market play an important role in society and shape more and more its character. But what’s this, the market? Who creates the money, and how? Is there less work due to digitalisation? Do we need economic growth? How to arrange social justice? What different perspectives on economy and society exist?
We invite you to discover insights on these and more questions. Enjoy reading. Get in touch with us!
Economics for all
Market and economy are neither a religion nor too complicated to understand. But economics needs a „fresh-up“ to make it intellectually accessible to all citizens and to explore new ways of economic thinking and decision-making.
Photo by Ramiro Mendes on Unsplash
A learning platform
Economists of different ‘schools’ and adult educators of seven EU countries create together a learning platform on socio-economic questions. It will contain information on two levels: a) basic infos in easy language for all, b) background information and didactic inspirations for adult educators and citizens with special interest.
Photo by Hans-Peter Gauster on Unsplash
Starter: Meeting in Prague
The Czech partner organisation Aviteum invited colleagues from Vienna / Austria, Tartu / Estonia, Dublin / Ireland, Lublin / Poland, Barcelona /Spain and Berlin to the first project meeting in Prague from 7th to 9th November 2019. We jointly planned the design and content of the learning platform for adult socio-economic education to be developed. In particular, we once again dealt intensively with the target group and the needs of future users. We discussed the fine-tuning of the economic topics to be dealt with: market and state, labour, money, taxes, debt, migration and global justice. Now we are eagerly awaiting the first texts of the other partner organisations to discuss them together at the next meeting.