Our future

14th June 2022: The Peipsi Centre for Transboundary Cooperation in Tartu / Estonia organised a discussion on questions of an environmentally sustainable economy today and in the future. The 40 participants – students as well as adult educators – were introduced to the two contributions that a staff member of the organisation had prepared for the project’s learning platform. One is the course on “Public Goods and Social Welfare“. The other was a course on “Economic Growth and Sustainable Development“.

On the second topic, a debate ensued about “green” growth: does this approach offer an opportunity or is it more of a pitfall? Is it an illusion to strive for a green-capitalist economy? Does it have a future at all? Or is it the only sensible way forward? If so, how do we get there? What needs to change for this to happen? Can the concept of development help? What does “sustainable development” mean? What accents are set by the different economic schools on this topic? The exchange made it clear that these questions about the future are of great concern to young people in particular.

The second part of the event was dedicated to the further courses of the learning platform. The presentations were especially addressed to adult educators. They should be encouraged to include economic issues more in their educational activities.

“It is great that such projects exist”, “The platform offers a lot of material”.